Monday, October 22, 2012

Barbells for Boobs and More!

This could have been the first weekend in a long time that I actually spent time laying around. Another great weekend has come to a close.

Friday night at CrossFit, we had a good sized group for once! (more than 4 on a Friday night is a lot!) We finished the WOD early and were goofing around when "Dog Days are Over" came on the speakers and me, my trainer Joy and my friend (and fellow vballer) Kate busted out the most obnoxious and crazy dance moves we could. This was our jam. If I can get the pictures, I will post them. 

Side note- Earlier this day, I was in a bit of an Eeyore mood (most likely from the rain and gloomy weather and lack of boyfriend time due to his new schedule). Luckily my fantastic boyfriend caught on and had chocolate peanut butter fudge waiting to greet me after the workout. (no, its not, I don't care) 

THEN, to make this Friday night even better....Matt and I both found out at that we passed our CrossFit Level 1 Trainer cert! I went to bed a happy girl. CrossFit + (Florence and the Machine x dancing) + chocolate=Happy Karli (simple math right there, folks)

Saturday morning was the Barbells for Boobs fundraiser. We did "Grace" 30 clean and jerks, for women the weight was 95# RX. I finished in 3:38!!! and won a prize for being the top female!
Watch me!

Matt raised enough to meet his goal! So he worked out in a pink bra! (more pics and video to come!)

After that, it was BRUNCH TIME! and I figured since I cheated and had some sugar Friday night, I would treat myself to a cheat meal for brunch. OMG. It was one of the best things I think I have ever eaten. I do not normally cheat with gluten (I don't like how it makes me feel!) but this was worth it. 
 Very Berry French Toast...Before

 and this is what was left after I attacked it...

Sunday was a rest day :) (sorta, I only did some pull-ups and HSPUs) 

Can't wait to get after it hard again this week!!!!


  1. Oh man that looks delicious! And the food looks good too..! ;) just kidding.. hehe.

    Congrts on the certification and awesome job on the WOD!!

  2. wow great job at Grace. that looks rough. But I think I'm going to do it in a couple of weeks when we have it planned at our box (:

    1. awesome! goodluck! you can do it! will you post about it? otherwise let me know how you do!

  3. Wow- you rocked out that Grace WOD! and he looks good in pink LOL
