Thursday, September 20, 2012

Points of interest

While surfin' the net lately and checking out some tweets and blog posts from new friends, I've come across some things that I love! I thougth I'd take the time to share them with you!

-Women really need to realize that lifting weights does not make you bulky. Unless you try really hard to get bulky! Check out one of the fittest women in the world, Camille Leblanc Bazinet. She can lift more than me, she's huge right?Looks all big and manly?
No! She doesn't! She looks awesome!
Check out this post and learn more about why all women should be lifting weights!
Why Strength Training is Critical for Women
a post by Jennifer from Wine to Weightlifting

-The website that bring you these....

When attempting to RX a WOD...

-The Girls Gone Strong Manifesto... It rocks. Actually, everything about these women and what they post is so fitting to me! I'm not a yoga runner girl. Sure, both are fun, but give me some heavy weights and I'll be much happier!

-These shorts are great. I think I own 6-7 pair now. Absolutely need more.
-This song <3

-KOMBUCHA! delicious and healthy and Paleo friendly! I sound like a commercial, but truthfully, this stuffs gooooood.
See for more info on their fabulous-ness

- Chef Katelyn
Her blog and tweets are awesome
Today she almost tricked me into drinking my coffee with coconut oil and salt. #gullible

Hope you enjoyed some of these as much as I do!

I hope to incorporate products (like the ones I just talked about) into my Product reviews page!
What?! You haven't seen it? Look at the top of the, do it, I'm waiting...

Yes, see it? Ok, there's nothing on it yet. But there will be!
Did you also see my new "Life Goals" page? Ok, I'll wait while you look again. Seriously, be more observant! If it was a snake it would have bit you!

Ok, Check that out too, because I'm awesome and confident that I can get all (or a real good chunk) checked off! And then I'll add more!


  1. Thanks for the post shout-out!! :)

    Kombucha is seriously my new favorite thing. It's expensive, and addicting. And the Cranberry one is AWESOME.

    I LOVE those shorts.. don't own them, but they look like they'd be pretty hot. I have a pair of Champion ones and a pair from Old Navy.. just nice, black, workout booty shorts.. show off what those squats do for you! Do you have a link to the shorts?


      sorry i forgot to add that into the post!

      and ugh, I know, I wish I had started off in wordpress. I need to figure out how to fix somethings with my blogger site. its frustrating!!!

    2. I think if you convert to a account (where you have your own domain name for a price..) that it can convert everything over. Just something to think about in the future! :)
      I love following up with people that comment on my stuff, but it's just hard to keep track of sometime!

    3. Oo awesome, thanks for the advice! :)

  2. And I tried to subscribe to blog comments but the button just tries to download something and I'm not sure what it is :( Boo!
    I like Wordpress better ;)
