Saturday, September 22, 2012

Paleo Challenge: Days 1-6

 What have I been eating?!

Applegate Farms Chicken Sausage, half of a sweet potato, cucumber/tomato/onion salad
 Kale and pepper salad, buffalo chicken sausage, half ofa sweet potato
 Brussel sprouts cooked in bacon fat, turkey sausage, mushrooms, and an egg on top!

 <--Breakfast! 2 eggs scrambled with 2 strips lean bacon, and a half of a banana with almond butter
Roasted Chicken and vegetables (carrots, sweet potatoes, onions, mushrooms)

Pulled/slow cooked chicken, half of a sweet potato, and brussel sprouts and mushrooms!

So, for the super duper exciting news.... I've lost 8 pounds already! Ok, so I know it's not all fat. Duh. Maybe 2 lbs were fat, the rest was most certainly water weight and bloat brought on by the crap and the sodium filled junk I was eating. Big surprise! 

What's saving me: 
-Chicken and turkey sausage- super fast and easy to eat. Good for at work lunch or after work snacks! High in protein (like 11g?)
-I found some non-cheat "cheats". They are not cheats on the challenge, but if I eat too much of them they will not help me! These include bananas in all forms (smoothies, with almond butter, alone, in the form of pancakes), sweet potatoes (I stick to a half a day, but I could do without them!), and unsweetened pumpkin streusel (Check my recipes page for this fabulous-ness).
-Being too busy to think about food/not having a car all week to drive out and buy much food
-Chipotle is a great GO-TO with their salads! BUT watch out, the chicken and beef and fajita veggies are cooked in soybean oil! Stick with the carnitas :) its my fave anyway

**Note, I snack a lot! Usually almonds, fruit, or halves of avocado. I eat a lot. I make sure I get enough protein to keep from feeling hungry, but don't be deceived. I am not starving myself or watching calories (portions I do watch, but thats becasue I have goals and they include gaining muscle and losing fat). I understand what my body needs.


  1. Looks like you're doing good, girl! :)
    I've been eating sweet potatoes with almond butter a lot.. yummmmy!!!
    Also LOVE cucumbers, onions, and tomatoes. I've been mixing up cucumbers, onions, and green peppers and drizzling it with vinegar, salt, and pepper. It tastes better the second day, too!
    Keep up the good work! It's tough to follow sometimes, but you can judge on how you feel if you're eating enough or not.
    This past week I've been STARVING so know I have to up my breakfasts and try to make sure I'm getting enough protein/good fats.

  2. sweet potatoes with almond butter?! I must try it. I'm struggling with NOT being hungry now! I'm really nervous that I'm hurting my metabolism :( I have to wait a few days, and see if its from what I'm eating
