Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I believe I have fallen into a routine. A routine where I know what weights I can lift, I bust out the WOD and I congratulate myself on being awesome. BUT, then I'm disappointed because I want to lift more and I'm not and blah blah blah I'm not setting goals!!!!! Anyway, I decided to stop worrying so much about finishing before people and start increasing my weights. It's painful. (Lucky for me, I have all of next week in Aruba to relax and allow my body to heal!) What also needs to be refocused is my diet! I have stuck to paleo mostly, (damn you muffin....never again will I have the desire to consume such an awful pastry that caused upset tummy for 2 days!) Anyway, fruit and are probably going to take a smaller role in my diet. Well, ok maybe after I get back from vacation. I want to get leaner, I'm still losing weight, but it's slowed a lot.

I cooked the other night! Real food too! Another fantastic recipe from Juli on Paleomg, salmon asparagus frittata :) Mmmm it was yummy. I would post a picture, but it was devoured in .3 seconds. I'll post a link to the recipe though! It really was easy and delicious! I also made an attempt at paleo donuts because someone was craving dunkin donuts blueberry glazed (Not me!) Note to self, any recipe with only coconut flour is going to suck all of the saliva out of your mouth and make nearly impossible to swallow. My remedy for that was to cover the donut in (paleo) chocolate ganache!
Yes, they are in the shape of a heart. I only own heart-shaped donut pans, k?

In other news, I got this awesome WOD Book! It has all kinds of workouts and places for me to track what I do.

So here's to a week of relaxing (and light workouts) followed by a major refocus!

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