Monday, October 15, 2012

CrossFit L1 Weekend

I spend a lot of time doing/talking/thinking about CrossFit. This weekend was no different!

This weekend, I attended the CrossFit Level 1 Trainer seminar and took the exam to become a trainer....not sure how that went..

I thought it was easy, but I tend to take tests quickly and go with gut choices, and that's not always the best idea!

The seminar was awesome, the instructors so so amazing (and good looking!)
Have you heard of Austin Malleolo or Spencer Hendel? Google them...or watch the CrossFit Games reruns...these guys are beasts!

**I am super awkward looking in pictures when I'm trying to look normal....
Oh hello, Spencer Hendel :) 

The seminar was in Canton, MA at Reebok CrossFit One. AKA Reebok Headquarters and a beautiful facility!

The hands on the hips thing isn't working...I know.

We did a few workouts and a ton of skill work that left me SORE! Even without the test, this was such a great experience.

The best news, they were selling discounted Reebok apparel! I got Nano 2.0s!!!!! EEEEk they're fantastic! (and purple...becasue I have a mild obsession with purple....actually, when I find free time I plan to re-do my blog in a purple them, but thats another story!)

I will find out soon whether or not I passed, please keep finger crossed! I'm kinda nervous.

We stayed in a hotel all weekend, and we are cheap, paleo diet followers, so how did we survive?! Well, first of all, I met Whole Foods for the first time in my life, second, tomorrow I'm going to talk about how to dine out/vacation/survive weekends away on a paleo (or any strict) diet!

Oh and no big deal, but I PR'd my max power clean. I was working on max clean and jerk and got to 140#...then I went for 145# and only managed to clean it. Not complaining :) 

Anyone else PR lately??


  1. So cool! I definitely need more crossfit in my life!

  2. what a great weekend! I'm loving crossfit. I've been doing it for 6 weeks now.. I could never be a trainer for it so kudos to you for that! (:

    1. Aw, why do you say that? You'll see, after another few months or a year, you'll want more! Even if you don't want to be a trainer though, the L1 course is awesome just because you learn SO much!
