Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween Playlist

I love holidays and even though I am already listening to Christmas music, I do realize we haven't finished celebrating Halloween, yet. I am in the process of perfecting a playlist for CrossFit tomorrow. (Yes, I will be dressed up in some kind of costume...to be determined tonight) This is the playlist so far! Unfortunately, the one song I really want is not on Spotify, but YouTube came to the rescue!

By the way, I live in upstate NY and Sandy was supposedly coming right at us...I had electric and even my plant outside on my deck (that typically falls over in a rainstorm) was still standing upright. All good up here!

Yesterday was Overhead Squats, 1 rep max. I PR'd and did 125#!!!! I struggled so much getting the weight overhead with a wide grip...I can push press much more!...anyone have a suggestion for that?

P.S.- I've updated my site a bit! Check out product reviews :)

Have a good Halloween tomorrow!!

Monday, October 29, 2012


Did you know that Saturday (Oct 27th) was National Pumpkin Day?! Yes, an actual holiday dedicated to pumpkin. I didn't realize this until late Saturday evening, so I decided to celebrate on Sunday.

 Sunday morning, I made Paleo Pumpkin Bread...then turned that into french toast for Matt and I (#gfoftheyrcontender) with roasted acorn squash and bacon!
Has anyone ever tried Trader Joes Nitrate free ends and pieces bacon? Its thick cut and delicious...Omnomnom.
 Then I gutted and cut my ginormous pumpkin. Sadly, it was too thick to carve with cute designs, so I free-handed it!

Then I roasted the pumpkin seeds with some cinnamon! Mmmm. And that concludes the pumpkin-ful celebration.

Friday night Matt and I dressed up and actually went out for Halloween.
Any guess as to what we were? Cheap...yes, we were extremely cheap. I wear that outfit almost everyday, it's called going to CrossFit. BUT we taped "Froning" and Thorisdottir" on our backs and threw on some medals and suddenly became the "World's Fittest Couple"

Saturday morning (killer) Workout:
10 Rounds
10 pull-ups
10 front squats 135#/105#
10 burpees

My back wasn't doing to well, so I did back squats instead of front squats and only 95#. After we did this, we set up to lead the Saturday morning class, when Joy, the owner dropped in and told us "Oh that weight is way too heavy!"...oh really? Poor Matt made it through the whole thing at 135# though! 
We had a full house and it was a beautiful day! Everyone did really awesome! 

Do you workout on weekends? or use it for a rest? Let me know!

Friday, October 26, 2012

I want Candy!

Yes it is. Finally. I'm excited, Matt and I actually have plans to join the world of after dark partiers this weekend. It is pre-Halloween weekend! We still won't be getting crazy or anything...but this is a big deal, we won't be in bed by 10 pm! (well, that is still a possibility because one party does start at 7pm)

Sometimes I fear my life revolves around my workouts too much, but I enjoy it so much that truthfully, I don't feel like I miss out on things by sleeping instead of going out!

Last night was advanced/competitors class at CrossFit. We did FOUR WODS!
1) 1000m row
2) Lurong Living Paleo Challenge WOD #4
          12min AMRAP
          30 burpee box jumps (24in box)
          30 overhead squats (80#)
          30 toes to bar
         10 muscle-ups or 40 pullups/40 ringdips
         **I completed the first 90 movements in 12 minutes...yeah that was rough.

3) 10! Deadlifts (165#) and pushups
     (10! means 10 reps, then 9, then 8...down to 1 alternating between DLs and pushups)
4)8min AMRAP
  On the minute 3 handstand pushups, then as many front squats as possible at 105#

I'm exhausted. BUT post workout dinner was at Chipotle!
Omnomnomnomnom. I look bald...darn workout hair!

Have a fantastic weekend everyone! Get crazy, celebrate Halloween, sleep? Just have fun!

BTW tumblr is down....oks like I actually have to work instead of look at pictures of people working out and saying funny things...ugh!

P.S.- Sometimes I can't think of post titles...so whatever pops in my head gets written. Right now, I want reeses and almond joy...and Andersons (local candy from my hometown). :)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Why I Need to Take a New Route to Work

When you fall off track with your Paleo diet and try to WOD…

I love this movie...and I know how he feels. This was me this week after my cheats last weekend!

Ok, back to blogging. I walk to work most days (If it's raining I might drive just because I'd rather not deal with frizzy hair and soggy cloths...it's a good 15 minute walk!) This week, twice I dealt with Creepy McCreepsters hitting on me. No, you do NOT NEED to know my name, and I truly don't care that you don't bite, I'm going to ignore you. I don't care if people think I'm rude, I'd rather not get raped on my walk in, thanks. 

So this happens at least once a week, but to add to the fun, I have had 2 black cats cross my path. They come from who know where and completely intersect my path leaving me know choice but to deal with the consequences. (I'm totally not superstitious at all) Today, I had 6 crows flying around me. I think It's time to change routes.

Ok enough of my mini rant!

I haven't had time to post any new recipes, but I will tell you about my new favorite breakfast! I don't have much time to prepare things, so the microwave is my bff. Lately, I've been taking 2-3 eggs, beating them together with 1/4 cup of mushed fruit (ie: mushed banana, applesauce, or pumpkin puree), 1 tbsp flax meal, and 2 tbsp shredded coconut, microwave for 2:30, then stir up with a bit of agave. Its like sweet scrambled eggs! So easy and fast and yummy!

I can't wait to show you guys my Halloween costume(s). I think I have 3...at least. One is for this Friday night for a party in a local park, one is for wearing to CrossFit, and one is for Wednesday trivia night!

Yetserday's workout was a fun one. We worked in partners to complete 7 rounds (each) of 250m row, 7 toes 2 bar, and 7 sumo deadlift high pulls. I kept my rowing times under 1:55/500m (so I finished the 250m in under a min!)
My battle wound proving I actually kept the bar against my body! yay for proper form and cold weather to cover it!

Finally, check this out...
It's GINORMOUS! It should last me forever. My mumma sent it to me. Good thing, I was low on coconut oil and funds :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Mr. Amazing

This post is a slightly gushy post dedicated to my bf. FYI-Today is our 4 month anniversary, now before you roll your eyes at me, I'll tell you this is the LONGEST relationship I've ever been in, so it's kind of a big deal for me!

Anyway, I've found that its much easier for me to accomplish my goals and be happy when I have someone cheering me on everyday. I know everyone says you need to be able to make yourself happy, and you shouldn't depend on others...but I don't depend on him, he just makes things better! (I'm pretty sure that's what being in a relationship is all about?)

Here is Matt's video from Barbells for Boobs 
(he was applauded for wearing MY pink bra...everyone loved it!)

He's so goofy and it's great.


Yesterday's workout was deadlift max...I sucked because I changed up my form. I'm going to video this and see if I can make it better! 

Today: "Kelly"
5 rounds
500m run
30 box jumps
30 wall-balls
--I finished in 32:37...It was hard! This was the first time I used a 24in box jump (I have been told it's time to be challenged!) and I used a 14# wall-ball.

It's Tuesday! Don't stop now :)

Monday, October 22, 2012

Barbells for Boobs and More!

This could have been the first weekend in a long time that I actually spent time laying around. Another great weekend has come to a close.

Friday night at CrossFit, we had a good sized group for once! (more than 4 on a Friday night is a lot!) We finished the WOD early and were goofing around when "Dog Days are Over" came on the speakers and me, my trainer Joy and my friend (and fellow vballer) Kate busted out the most obnoxious and crazy dance moves we could. This was our jam. If I can get the pictures, I will post them. 

Side note- Earlier this day, I was in a bit of an Eeyore mood (most likely from the rain and gloomy weather and lack of boyfriend time due to his new schedule). Luckily my fantastic boyfriend caught on and had chocolate peanut butter fudge waiting to greet me after the workout. (no, its not paleo...no, I don't care) 

THEN, to make this Friday night even better....Matt and I both found out at that we passed our CrossFit Level 1 Trainer cert! I went to bed a happy girl. CrossFit + (Florence and the Machine x dancing) + chocolate=Happy Karli (simple math right there, folks)

Saturday morning was the Barbells for Boobs fundraiser. We did "Grace" 30 clean and jerks, for women the weight was 95# RX. I finished in 3:38!!! and won a prize for being the top female!
Watch me!

Matt raised enough to meet his goal! So he worked out in a pink bra! (more pics and video to come!)

After that, it was BRUNCH TIME! and I figured since I cheated and had some sugar Friday night, I would treat myself to a cheat meal for brunch. OMG. It was one of the best things I think I have ever eaten. I do not normally cheat with gluten (I don't like how it makes me feel!) but this was worth it. 
 Very Berry French Toast...Before

 and this is what was left after I attacked it...

Sunday was a rest day :) (sorta, I only did some pull-ups and HSPUs) 

Can't wait to get after it hard again this week!!!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

My Week in Workouts

Workout Recap! This is a typical week for me, with the exception of doubling up Thursday. I haven't been doubling up much, but I will be more, I have another competition coming up!

6am class: Clean & Jerk Max ...I got up to 140# 

6pm with Matt: 10 rounds of 10 perfect air squats and 10 GHD situps...ouch!

Perfomance WOD #3
7 Minute Diane Ladder  (1,1- 2,2- 3,3) Total Reps
    Men’s Rx- 225 lb Deadlift, Hand Stand Push Ups
    Men’s Scaled- 155 lb Deadlift, Hand Release Push Ups
    Women’s Rx- 155 lb Deadlift, Hand Stand Push Ups
    Women’s Scaled- 105 Deadlift, Hand Release Push Ups

-I started RX, then struggled too much with my HSPUs and did hand release push-ups instead (I re-did this workout RX on Thursday!)

WOD #1
2k Row

WOD #2
6 min - 10 Dumbell Snatch 45/35/25/15 (heavy)
on the minute (alternate arms each min)

My hand did not enjoy the dumbell snatching (35#) :( I am such a baby when I have to hold rough bars, etc. Still working on conditioning my hands!


6am class: I redid the "Diane Ladder" from Tuesday, this time with HSPUs!!
then "The Master Chief"
Complete as many rounds as possible in 3 minutes: 
3 Power Clean - 155/105/95/65
6 Front Squats 
9 Push Ups
Rest for 1 minute between the 3 minute rounds. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.

I got 8 complete rounds in here!

7pm class: (competitors/advanced class)
For time:
25 double unders
25 pushups
25 box jumps
25 air squats
25 lateral jumps over a bar
Alternating back squat/deadlift (decreasing weight, increasing reps on back squats/increasing weight, decreasing reps on deadlifts)
Back Squat       Deadlift
1- 155#           12-135#
3-135#             9-155#
6- 115#            6- 175#
9- 95#              3- 195#
12- 75#            1- 215#
25 pullups and 25 toes 2 bar

I finished in 16:46 :) I did use a red band for my pull-ups, and I am paying for not using a thicker one today! Ouch...but it hurts so good!

75 double unders
75 cleans
75 squats
75 sit ups
75 kettle bell swings
375 total reps

This workout is dedicated to one of the girls in the box who is moving to California :( She was my favorite person to compete against in class! 

Saturday will be "Grace" for the Barbells for Boobs fundraiser! Then the rest of the day will be spent recovering! I love looking back on all I've done this week!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Link Love

Happy Wednesday!

Ok, I'm not actually that excited that it's Wednesday. It is trivia night tonight and I most likely will drink a glass of wine (*gasp*...totally legal on the challenge!)

Today is a rest day. I am too exhausted from the past 4 days of less than 6 hours of sleep and I'm doing a double workout day tomorrow, so this is necessary!

Last night for dinner, I had tomato soup and bacon. I ate that while I made this...
from Paleo Diet and Living
I didn't add the cheese and I haven't tasted it yet, but it smelled awesome!

Then, I followed it up with this...

GIANT CUPCAKE! From Chef Katelyn
I didn't have stevia, so I added just a bit of agave. After it cooked, I poured in some chocolate almond milk and ate it like a chocolate bread pudding. It wasn't quite sweet enough for me, but it was good enough to lighten the cravings!
(check this recipe out, only egg whites and unsweetened cocoa! amazing!)


Ok, I just thought that kitty was cute. I stopped feeding my face after the cupcake!

Finally, if you haven't already checked her out, visit Crazy, Healthy, Fit where Jenna shares her passion for health and fitness! Oh yeah, and guess what? I was her guest blogger today!

Just keep striving for progress people, not perfection! I love that saying, don't forget it! :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Out to Eat!

A little inspiration for Tuesday!

One of the hardest parts about following a strict diet is going out to eat or away on vacations. This past weekend Matt and I attempted to save money and keep on track with our diet challenge while we were away.

First, we booked a "suite" hotel (get it? hehe) Ok, it was pretty sweet, but it was also a suite that had a fully functioning kitchen. We packed up food from home, including eggs, chicken sausage, veggies, and some pre-cooked food (my veggie chili!) that we were able to just microwave.

When we found they had a Whole Foods, we decided it would be ok to spend a little money. I had NEVER been to a Whole Foods before, so this was ridiculously exciting for me. We hit up the salad bar and made really big salad to take for lunch. You don't HAVE to go to a Whole Foods to do this! Salads are great, I don't care much for lettuce, and it doesn't keep me full anyway, so I made my salad with mostly veggies and (pre-cooked) chicken. 

I was super hungry by the time we left the seminar, but we didn't want to stop for a long sit-down dinner. We found the closest Five Guys Burgers and Fries and each got a bacon burger with no bun. (the regular burgers have 2 patties!) MMmmm This is my new favorite fast food. Other good options are Chipotle and Panera salads (no cheese or dressing).
It's not beautiful, but it was delicious!

It is difficult to eat at restaurants on strict diets. If you're going to eat out, expect that you will probably not be 100% perfect. Most likely, the oil the food is cooked in is not going to be coconut or OO, it might even be butter! I've found that being aware of what you're eating is half the battle. If you have a food allergy or an intolerance, then you probably shouldn't risk it, otherwise, remember if you're strict at least 80% of the time, you're doing well!

Todays WOD(s):
#1: Diane Ladder:
Every minute on the minute for 7 minutes, increasing by 1 rep each time
1 155# deadlift, 1 HSPU (2 DL, 2 HSPU....)

I sucked...I couldn't get up, so I quickly jumped on the scaled wagon and did hand release push-ups!

#2: 2k row (aka...2000m row) I finished in 8:11 woop woop!

#3 : 6 min of dumbbell snatches alternating arms each minute, 10 snatches per minute

I need to work on my upper body strength....It's so frustrating :( But, like the motto of my page, I'll keep going!

**This Saturday, I am participating in the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month Fundraiser, Barbells For Boobs, to raise awareness and funds for low income and uninsured women and men to receive necessary screening and procedures. We do the WOD "Grace", 30 clean and jerks for time. I have reached my fundraising goal of $100 but would graciously accept more (its a great cause!) BUT Matt has not reached his goal, and if he can get the funds raised, he will do the workout wearing a PINK BRA! (and I will absolutely post pictures and/or videos on here!!)

Here are the links: 
Karli- https://support.barbellsforboobs.org/individual-fundraising/Karli

Monday, October 15, 2012

CrossFit L1 Weekend

I spend a lot of time doing/talking/thinking about CrossFit. This weekend was no different!

This weekend, I attended the CrossFit Level 1 Trainer seminar and took the exam to become a trainer....not sure how that went..

I thought it was easy, but I tend to take tests quickly and go with gut choices, and that's not always the best idea!

The seminar was awesome, the instructors so so amazing (and good looking!)
Have you heard of Austin Malleolo or Spencer Hendel? Google them...or watch the CrossFit Games reruns...these guys are beasts!

**I am super awkward looking in pictures when I'm trying to look normal....
Oh hello, Spencer Hendel :) 

The seminar was in Canton, MA at Reebok CrossFit One. AKA Reebok Headquarters and a beautiful facility!

The hands on the hips thing isn't working...I know.

We did a few workouts and a ton of skill work that left me SORE! Even without the test, this was such a great experience.

The best news, they were selling discounted Reebok apparel! I got Nano 2.0s!!!!! EEEEk they're fantastic! (and purple...becasue I have a mild obsession with purple....actually, when I find free time I plan to re-do my blog in a purple them, but thats another story!)

I will find out soon whether or not I passed, please keep finger crossed! I'm kinda nervous.

We stayed in a hotel all weekend, and we are cheap, paleo diet followers, so how did we survive?! Well, first of all, I met Whole Foods for the first time in my life, second, tomorrow I'm going to talk about how to dine out/vacation/survive weekends away on a paleo (or any strict) diet!

Oh and no big deal, but I PR'd my max power clean. I was working on max clean and jerk and got to 140#...then I went for 145# and only managed to clean it. Not complaining :) 

Anyone else PR lately??

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Short and Sweet

I didn't want to not post, but I really want to use all of my spare time to study for my Level 1 cert this weekend!

So here is a short for your entertainment post!

Last night, I went to trivia night at a local bar with a few CrossFit friends (and Tammy!). So, my Paleo BF, Matt was meeting up with us after work and asked me to order dinner. He wanted the surf and turf, (they were out of the surf part, so he got chicken). Then asked for "double seasonal veggies" instead of potato. Well this arrived....
Immediately, my fellow paleo-eaters and I exclaimed "He can't eat that!". I think we startled the waitress haha...but in the end, we got him a salad :) Go team!

My favorite CrossFit websites that make me happy:

Awesome people doing awesome things...

Funny GIFs about CrossFit :)

Songs that will NEVER be removed from my workout playlist:


Update on my arms... still don't have functioning arm muscles...boooo
Update on CrossFit, today I rested AND signed up for an individual competition in New Haven, CT in December :)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


It's Wednesday!

I'm sorry I ate all the cookies last night and didn't post a picture....so I made more! (I guess I'll just have to eat these too!)
Om nom nom...

I have a really bad habit of unnecessarily multi-tasking. Last night, I did laundry, baked donuts, cooked chicken, and made soup and dumpling for dinner. All in 2 hours time. 

Bade news, my arms have only gotten worse. I attempted to do negatives on the pull-up bar today to just work on my strength....well I couldn't even hold myself up on the bar. 
This of course led  to me crying because the WOD today was "Helen"
400m run
21 kettlebell swings
12 pull-ups

Basically, impossible for me. Luckily, Joy came to the rescue and assured me, it's ok I just need to let my arms heal and until then I can do lower body workouts.
400m run
21 air squats
12 GHD back extensions 

Then the after party was 100 situps
I did mine on the GHD machine and finished in 4:46 I think? I can't remember, but I hit 75 at 3:02!

After the workout, I rushed home, couldn't find a parking spot by my apartment, and ended up not having time to make breakfast....so I ate 3 pieces of bacon, a banana, and one of these yummy (paleo!) donuts!!
 There is a 33.4% chance that I accidentally put ground mustard instead of nutmeg in these donuts....haven't figured it out yet. Either way, they taste pretty delicious.

The recipe for these little noms can be found on A Sweet Simple Life.

Ok, time to hit the books! I have my CrossFit Level 1 coaches certification this weekend in Canton, MA! eeeek! I'm nervous! It's only cost $1000...no big deal, right?

It's hump day people! DO something active to keep yourself motivated though the next 2 and a half days!!!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Paleo No Bakes!

You know what's really difficult to do when you biceps are strained?....

.....EVERYTHING! I'm actually not sure what is wrong with my arms, but they are sore. Not like "wow that was a good workout" sore, but more like I have to clean a a 45lb bar on to my should because my arms are so shot I couldn't lift it....like "could someone please lift my arm for me so I can write my name on the score board?"....I'm am 98.3% sure that the only reason I was able to hang clean 95# today was because I had good hip thrusting form, the bar just flew up my body and I was able to catch high. (I feel I probably lost some people during this rant because I'm sure a lot of people have no idea what "cleans" are...I assure you, I was not scrubbing the bars with soap, but instead using my hips to allow the weights to glide up my body to my upper chest where it can rest)

Anyway, I hurt.

Now, to what I promised!!!

I have a new favorite indulgence. My sweet tooth is evil and cries for dessert after dinner every night. LUCKILY, I have found a cure that is quick and easy  and delicious...and healthy!!!!

Paleo No Bake Thumbprints
(adapted from friskylemon.com)
I meant to post a picture....but I ate the cookies!!!
  • 1/3 C coconut or almond flour
  • 2/3 C shredded coconut
  • 1/2 C almond butter (chunky works very well here!)
  • 2 tbsp coconut butter
  • 1 tbsp Agave
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil
  • 2 squares of bakers chocolate (or if you aren't doing the Paleo challenge and like dark chocolate or enjoy life, use it instead!)
Mix everything but the chocolate together. Separate into 5-6 balls then push your thumb into each to make a little crater. Put in the fridge while you melt the chocolate. I used a double boiler, but you can melt the chocolate anyway....remember to keep the heat low, otherwise the chocolate will burn and taste icky. Once it's melted, pour a little chocolate into the cookie craters and then put them back in the fridge to allow the chocolate to harden.

Now, to the paleo dumplings for your chicken and dumpling soup!!!!
***Some people don't use arrowroot on their paleo diet. It is NOT from a grain and is from the arrowroot plant ground into a flour. 

Paleo Dumplings
The fun part of this recipe is it's hard to screw up! If you mix these together, your goal is to get a thick stricky dough.

  • 1/2 c almond flour
  • 1/4 c coconut flour
  • 1 c arrowroot flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 egg (beaten)
  • 1/8 + 1-2tbsp nut milk
Boil a large pot of water. Mix the dry ingredients into a medium bowl, then add in the egg. Then add 1/8 c of milk and mix, if it seems to dry add more milk by the tbsp until you get a sticky dough that is not too dry. Then spoon 1/2 tbsp size lumps into the boiling water. When the dumplings float, they are done!

Delicious in soups or mixed with fried bacon! Ahhh so yummy!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Weekend Recap

This weekend was the Fall Face-Off CrossFit team competition. It was such a great experience. The morning was rough, I was nervous...not knowing what to expect aside from the first workout.

Beyond Rugged BAMFs
WOD #1
20 ground to over head (snatch or clean & jerk) 65# women and 115# for men
20 burpee step ups
500m row

We rocked this workout, finishing 2nd or 3rd in our heat. According to my teammates, I turned a nice shade of blue during my turn. I swear I was breathing!!

WOD #2
10 min to max out clean & jerk, seated press, snatch, and front squat
Each teammate must do a different lift and you want your total lifted weight to be the highest.

Strength was our weakness, sadly. We fell behind here. I see how people PR during these events, though. My team was right in front of where the crowd stands, and I was struggling with the 95# snatch (This is my max, and I had barely warmed up). I got the bar over head and just had to stand and I studder stepped a few times (scared the crap out of the front row of spectators) then locked out and everyone was cheering! I'll say it again, CrossFit is so great because the people you are surrounded by go from your competition to your cheerleader in seconds... its so amazing.

 WOD #3
100 kettlebell swings (100 between the men and 100 between the women)
100 box jumps (ditto)
50 lateral jumps over parallettes
5 pull-ups chest to bar (with assistance from team mates if needed)
We finished this WOD fast, we were in the top again, but we weren't able to beat the #1 team here. Those pull-ups required almost no arm strength....from me at least! This was a fun workout, except for when I slammed my knee against the box jump. Tara, the other girl on my team really helped me after that. I momentarily lost my ability to jump and she hopped right back in after barely getting a break to rest.

WOD #4
20 minutes total
10 minutes for women first, every minute on the minute do 5 burpees then as many wall-balls as possible alternating between the 2 women.
Then the men did the same for 10 minutes.
The goal is to get the most wall-balls

We rocked this workout, if we weren't first, we had to be second. We got 403!

We came in 5th place out of 23 or 24 teams? I'm not sure...but we really did great! The other 2 teams from my box came in first and second! I am surrounded by fantastic athletes!

Sunday was rest day and celebratory cheat day! It was great. The BF and I couldn't move in the morning....unfortunately the excessive amounts of water we drank the day before got the best of us and our bladders could no longer handle it. I made sweet potato hash and eggs...which Matt added to it steak and vegetables because he's a beast.

Then we slowly got ready and headed to Barnes & Noble to drink sugary sweet happiness and read.
 No that's not my name...but it sounds the same. Pumpkin spice white chocolate mocha....with whip. Oh yeah.
 Then after enjoying a few chapters of Gone Girl, I hit up the business section and decided to see what they had to say about my business idea.
 I'm glad my bf doesn't think I'm silly always making him take pictures of me doing things just so I can blog about it!
Finally...This happened. MMmm, powdered cheese and dairy milk with gluten-ful noodles. I ate the whole box. And was hungry 20 minutes later, so I ate beef stew, haha.

Good news! Tomorrow will be a double recipe post! no bake paleo cookies (Paleo challenge approved!!) AND the amazing dumplings!!!! So you better come back and check them out, k?!

How was your weekend? Kill any workouts? or relax and recover?

Friday, October 5, 2012

I hate Running

This week, registration opened for the Pittsburgh Marathon. I've run the Half-Marathon the past 2 years. I like half-marathons...challenging, yet not excessively long. But 26.2 MILES?! really? Who wants to do that?

Well, my friend Nick (who ran the full last year) texted me to let me know registration was open AND it was discounted that day only. A full marathon for only $75? what a deal?! But I HATE RUNNING! Unfortunately, Nick reminded me that a marathon is just the next mountain I have to climb in my never ending fitness endeavor. So, after asking Matt to sign up with me (to which he immediately and excitedly agreed ...freak...) I decided I would sign up too.

So, I guess I'll keep CrossFitting for now, and soon add a few runs. If I can finish in 5 hours or less, I'll be happy!

BUT, we I have more important matters to attend to first....TOMORROW IS THE FALL FACE-FACE! Woop! Unfortunately, I woke up with an intense stabby pain in my back that is severely limiting my lifting abilities. So, leaving work early today to attend to that!

Wish me luck and check back Monday for an update on how the competition went!
(OR follow me on twitter and check it all out as it happens!... @beastmode_chic )

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Just a Cookie

Today, I won't be posting about any crazy workouts I did because I am not doing anything too crazy! It's rest and stretch time before Saturday's competition...

Speaking of that, the hosting gym released a "teaser" to show the first WOD:
I'm excited, I know I'll do well on this WOD....I can snatch 65# and I'm a relatively fast rower. I just hate burpees!

It's a good thing I'm resting (though, I'm still spending an hour or 2 at the box on these days? addicted...) I am in such an emotional funk right now. I keep crying about everything!

  • My salad at Panera arrived with dressing and cheese (obviously its not edible to me right now!) so came the waterworks because this was a tragedy. (Luckily, my wonderful bf was with me and asked for a new salad, such a hero)
  • I might be slightly homesick...maybe it's seeing other people getting to spend time with family and hearing about my family doing things and knowing I can't be there. (Well, my brother has it worse, he's in a different time-zone...I miss him too though)
  • I'm hormonal (I cry a lot on a regular basis, this is just how I express feeling...happiness, sadness, whatever, but right now it's worse than normal)
  • I am not allowed to have my comfort foods and I don't have time to relax. I just want a cookie. Is that really too much to ask? Just give me a freakin' chocolate chip cookie. Of course, then the gluten will either upset my stomach or make me feel bloated and fat and I'll cry because I'm a big ugly slob :) yep, quite the pickle I've encountered.

Good news, I will be eating "Madagascar 3" shaped macaroni and cheese on Sunday as my chosen post-competition cheat meal. (-5 points...yeah I can sacrifice that)

Sorry this is not my typical "excited about fitness and healthy eating" type of post....we all have these days, right?