I feel I have neglected you again, blog. I've actually been busy at work and when I wasn't at work I was working on birthday presents and this fabulous cake for BF!
I seem to have lost this recipe...Seriously, I might cry if it doesn't show up. All I know is I used a total of 10 eggs for 2 layers and I used apple cider vinegar. :(
Speaking of BF and birthday....
We had breakfast at Illium Cafe...this is all that was left after I devoured my omelet :) Toast, a little of my black coffee, and fatty bacon pieces. Good job sticking to paleo here!
We went out to a fancy dinner at Taste! (We look cute, huh?) They have a very good gluten-free menu (actually the normal menu is gluten free) We weren't strict paleo, but the mozzerella cheese and mashed potatoes were worth it! MMmm
In between all the fantastic food, we had a friendly competition with Collar City Crossfit. My team did fantastic! It was so much fun competing with new people. The workout was rough, but it was broken up among the team so it wasn't too bad.
Today is definitely a well deserved rest day for me. I didn't even realize I had gone non-stop for 6 days! eek...I'm trying hard to build upper body strength, I need to allow those muscles to build! Next week starts competitors classes, I can't wait to work on some harder skills!
P.S.- Exciting news :) I get to do my first paid blog! I'm pretty pumped about it and I know it will be fun to write on the topic, so happy dance!!!!
Happy Fit Friday! Get active or if you're like me, RELAX AND RECOVER!!!!!!